The First Step In Getting Organized
You want to get organized, but you’re having a challenge getting started? Here’s what you need to do first if you want to be successful and overcome overwhelm!
You want to get organized, but you’re having a challenge getting started? Here’s what you need to do first if you want to be successful and overcome overwhelm!
Do you envy your always organized friends? Do you wonder how they manage to keep it together? Maybe you’ve even popped in on one these friends unexpectedly just to see if they really are on top of things. And they were – sigh. How is it that some people manage to stay organized and relaxed? Well, it’s not sorcery. Organized people tend to follow the Essential Eight. Read on to learn what they are.
Clutter clearing can be a bit of challenge – it’s work, it takes time and effort. Deciding what to keep and what let go – that’s the tricky part. Or at least that’s what most people think. But when you ask the right questions, decision making can actually be a snap. You’ll know immediately if whether you’ve got a keeper or clutter
One of the biggest issues people face when it comes to clutter clearing is overwhelm. Where do I start? How do I start? Those two questions are asked most often, and almost always prefaced by……I am so overwhelmed, I have no idea how I will ever get through this! There is a way….follow me and I’ll guide you!
Without a doubt, the most challenging aspect of getting organized is clearing the clutter. Now decluttering, in theory at least, should be easy. After all, it’s really about weeding out the things we longer use or need. And if it’s stuff we don’t use or don’t need, we should be able to just let it go. But it’s not always that easy, is it? So let me share a little trick – it makes decluttering easier and it can help you get happier!