Getting organized. It’s a popular goal. Far too frequently it’s a goal that people put off starting. Or, if they do start, they lose focus and stumble, falling even deeper into disorganization. That’s not really surprising since the whole idea of getting organized can be overwhelming, and even intimidating.
It’s easy to forget that getting organized is a process. It’s not a weekend project. You didn’t get disorganized overnight and you’re not going to get organized in one fell swoop.
The biggest favor you can do for yourself is to get clear on why you want to be organized. So, what exactly does getting clear mean? It means creating a definite vision. This is essential if you are to be successful. This actually holds true for any new endeavor; it’s critical to know your ‘why’. The why, and it needs to be truly compelling, will keep you motivated, especially when overwhelm begins to set in.
You might be wondering if you really need to bother with this. People frequently want to get right to ‘fixing the problem’. And that’s great, it shows you’re ready to create change. However, if you want to set yourself up for long term success, it’s best to lay a strong foundation. Your vision is the cornerstone of that foundation. It will be something you can build on for years to come.
For lasting change to occur you have to create new supportive habits and release the ones that no longer serve you. Habit change can be a challenge, so being clear on your why is crucial. It’s especially true when getting organized is your goal. Being organized is all about habits. From the smallest, like having a dedicated place to put your keys. To the largest, like having routines in place that allow you to get out the door on time each morning. Your vision statement will help you stay focused and energized as you move through the process of creating an organized reality and the habits that go with it.
Crafting a vision statement is relatively easy. There is no right or wrong way to do this. It is about you and your specific situation. At its core a vision statement is about articulating what you want your outcome to look like, in this case your organized life. The easiest way to do this is to find a quiet place where you can be alone for at least fifteen minutes. Spend the first half of your alone time creating a mind picture of your ideal environment. Imagine what it looks like. Picture being able to live freely, without the stress of clutter and chaos. See yourself moving through your day with ease. Make it as vivid as you can.
Now, with that picture in mind begin writing a description of how it feels and what it means to you. Use the present tense. Make it sounds like it’s happening now. It doesn’t have to be lengthy. And it doesn’t have to be particularly articulate. The one thing it should do is make you excited. If this were your reality how would you feel? Anything less than thrilled means you haven’t quite hit the mark.
The idea is that your vision should truly inspire you. After all, if it doesn’t excite you now, it certainly won’t later. Think of your vision as a source of energy. It will recharge you and keep you going, even when things are exhausting.
Define your vision before you tackle the physical work of getting organized and you’ll exponentially increase your chance of long term success. It’s a simple, but incredibly powerful exercise. Take the time to do it, it will be time well spent.
If you want some set-by-step guidance with the vision creation and the whole decluttering and getting organized process, be sure to sign up for the free 6 lesson ESCAPE from Clutter and Get Organized e-course. We’ve even a got a private group page for extra support and accountability!