Decide how to decide. Sound silly? Maybe redundant? It’s not. Especially when it comes to decluttering your life. One of the most difficult parts of the process is making decisions: what to keep, what to toss, where to store things, and so much more. Repeated decision making is exhausting, and the temptation to second guess yourself exists at every decision. Ugh.

That’s why I recommend creating decision making policies upfront. These policies will help you move through the clutter clearing and organizing process so much faster. For example, you might decide that anything that hasn’t been used in over a year needs to go, no questions asked. Or you might decide that you’ll say no to any activity or invitation that requires you to give up weekend time with your family.
A policy streamlines everything – it’s exactly the reason businesses have them. They clarify what to do, and save time, energy and effort. So what policies will you create?


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