How To Set SMART Goals - Goal Setting Worksheet

Download Your SMART Goal Setting Guide & Worksheet Here!

Hello New Year! Resolutions are being penned, goals are being set and the expectations for success are high! But how do you make those expectations won’t turn into big ‘ole disappointments? It’s actually pretty simple – you’ve just got to put a little thought into crafting your goals or New Year’s resolutions (let’s face it – those are just goals with a fancier name).

So what do I mean by putting thought in?  I mean you have to create goals that are SMART.  As a professional organizer, it’s no surprise that I work with people who want to get organized. And getting organized is a great goal – but it’s not really a SMART goal. You are probably confused now, right? Why would a professional organizer say getting organized isn’t a SMART goal?  Simple answer – because it’s a really broad goal, that in itself doesn’t meet the criteria for being SMART. I am sure many, if not all of you, have heard about SMART goals – SMART stands for: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Timely.

I want to focus on this because far too often the goals we set for ourselves are too vague, too broad, or otherwise unhelpful. Learning to set SMART goals will make it more likely that you’ll succeed in your in reaching your goals. So I have put together a SMART Goal Setting Worksheet & Planning Guide – you can download it here.

To guarantee your success make sure you are clear on why you want to reach your goal – I have all the info on why must unearth your authentic motivating factor over here. And there is the Five Step Goal Planning Process over here – setting alone is not enough, if you want to be successful you need a plan!



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