by Kelly Jayne McCann | May 12, 2015 | Clear Your Clutter, Organize Your Life
Paper is all around us, sometimes we don’t have a choice about receiving it, but often we do. Here are some ideas for eliminating paper clutter. All are super easy, try one or try all. You have nothing to lose except clutter! Read on to learn how to get your paper under control!
by Kelly Jayne McCann | May 12, 2015 | Clear Your Clutter, Organize Your Life
Letting go of paper is difficult. The reasoning often goes like this: If they sent it to me it must be important, so I should keep it. Thus, the tendency is to keep everything and that tendency is mostly fed from fear. Let’s break that cycle now! Be sure to grab the What To Keep & What To Toss Guide!
by Kelly Jayne McCann | Apr 23, 2015 | Clear Your Clutter, Organize Your Life
A few months ago I was working with a client. We were deep into organizing her office and our focus had turned to her bookshelves. They were overflowing – she had dozens and dozens of books. And she was happily letting most go – she had gotten what she needed from them and it was time to pass them on for someone else to enjoy. But she held back one, saying she absolutely had to keep it….and it reminded me of something I had to share…how to to choose great storage locations!
by Kelly Jayne McCann | Apr 21, 2015 | Business & Office Organizing, Clear Your Clutter
Even with the search function as robust as it is, an organized computer is still a true asset. Being able to find what we need it quickly and easily is a big deal. It saves time and frustration. Plus, it makes us feel in control. Here are six tips to help you organize your virtual files.
by Kelly Jayne McCann | Apr 20, 2015 | Clear Your Clutter, Organize Your Life, Organizing & Decluttering
What if you could learn to actually enjoy clutter clearing? What if you could see it at as something you ‘get to do’ instead of something you ‘have to do’? Guess what? There is a way….and no, I am not crazy. This is the real deal!
by Kelly Jayne McCann | Apr 13, 2015 | Manage Your Time, Procrastination & Planning, Rock Your Goals
Have you ever been so overwhelmed by all that you have to do, that you can hardly see the forest for the trees? Progress is evading you, distractions are building, and paralysis seems to be setting in. You’re wondering how you’ll ever get things done. Well, I’ve got the answer and it’s an easy fix!
by Kelly Jayne McCann | Mar 31, 2015 | Find Your Happy, Stress Reduction & Happiness
It’s hard to be organized when life is out of balance. Unfortunately things can be thrown out of balance quite quickly when liabilities outweigh assets. Stress sets in making it hard to focus on what really matters. It’s difficult to relax and be in the moment. When joy disappears and things get all mucky, it’s a sure sign you need to take back control! And I’ve got just the way! Read More…
by Kelly Jayne McCann | Mar 23, 2015 | Clear Your Clutter, Organizing & Decluttering
Clutter clearing can be a bit of challenge – it’s work, it takes time and effort. Deciding what to keep and what let go – that’s the tricky part. Or at least that’s what most people think. But when you ask the right questions, decision making can actually be a snap. You’ll know immediately if whether you’ve got a keeper or clutter
by Kelly Jayne McCann | Mar 11, 2015 | Clear Your Clutter, Organizing & Decluttering
Here is the big question, the one I am asked all the time: Why is clutter clearing so difficult? Well, it’s not your imagination, and it’s not you…here’s the real reason letting go is so tough!
by Kelly Jayne McCann | Mar 2, 2015 | Clear Your Clutter, Organize Your Life, Organizing & Decluttering
We often think about organizing and clearing clutter as it relates to stuff and space. But rarely do we think about culling and decluttering our to-do’s, and everything else that’s filling our head, so here’s how to declutter your mind..