Have you ever wished you could work with a clutter coach?
Well, you can make that wish a reality when you sign up for my free ESCAPE Clutter and Get Organized E-Course.
Using my super simple six-step ESCAPE method, you can learn how to declutter, organize, and simplify your whole life.
The six-step process breaks down what you need to do to take back control and get organized, and then stay that way for the long term.
To be clear, I won’t be telling you what to throw away or discard. Instead, I’ll be helping you figure what creates meaning in your life so you can make confident decisions on your own about what to keep and what to let go of. The e-course gives you a simple decluttering and organizing framework to follow, literally six simple steps. By putting it into practice, you will naturally build the skills you need so you can confidently take charge.
As a clutter coach, my role is to help you help yourself. It’s a bit like the fish proverb. You know that one that says:
Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.
Well in this case, as a clutter coach, my job is to help you learn how to declutter and organize so you can maintain it long-term, not just enjoy it for a week before it reverts to the previous state.
The ESCAPE Clutter and Get Organized E-Course is my way of showing people just how simple getting organized can be. I take you step-by-step through the entire process, including suggestions on how to customize the process for your personality and unique situation.
Is it right for you? If you’re tired of living with chaos and yearn for more control over your space and time, then it’s perfect.
If you’d like to simplify your life so you had less to worry about, then yes again.
And if lack of organization is causing you stress, then you definitely need to grab it.
The 6 Lesson E-Course is delivered right to your inbox for free! It’s arrives via email as a PDF, which included some interactive worksheets and supplemental videos.
Plus, you can join our private group for support, ideas, and members-only resources.
And to help make your efforts stick, I will also send you my weekly Clear Your Clutter, Find Your Happy E-News – it’s where I share the best tips and resources to help you stay motivated as you embrace a clutter-free lifestyle.
(Oh, and just in case you are wondering, I never share email addresses with anyone – ever! And I won’t be mad marketing or hard selling you either. Occasionally, I’ll remind you that there are other e-courses available, but that’s about it.)
So, are you ready to kick chaos to the curb and invite harmony in? Then sign up now! Simply use the form below and you will be on your way….