How To Declutter Your Mind & Find FocusWe often think about organizing and clearing clutter as it relates to stuff and space. But rarely do we think about culling and decluttering our to-do’s. We should though, and here’s why – things that will take our time far too often only reside in our minds, and anything that lives solely in our heads can be a huge distraction. In essence, we are always trying to remember what we have to remember. This means we can’t really focus on things that matter here and now – we can’t be in the moment – we can’t relax.

While decluttering your mind might not be be quite the same as sorting through items in an overly full closet or setting up a filing system, you will find there are similarities. You need to sort, categorize, prioritize, and purge. And just like decluttering an out of control space, it’s probably going to look and feel messy before it gets better.

Here’s a super simple two step process to help you declutter your mind:

Step 1 – Get It All Out
So how do I mean? Well the first step is to get everything out of your head. Yes, everything. I know it seems like a lot – and you will no doubt see it is a lot! However, you can’t begin to sort and prioritize until you see what you’re dealing with. And this is where it gets messy, because if you are anything like the average person the things that reside ‘up there’ are many and varied – a jumble of mismatched thoughts.

Getting everything out of your head is a straight forward task – it’s just what it sounds like. Think of it as a giant download – you are taking what’s in the cloud and directing it a place where you can access it. The idea is to capture all the things that are on your mind – ideas, to-do tasks, anything and everything, no matter how minute – and put it in writing. Personally, I like to use a piece of poster board for this task because then I can see my list in its entirety, but you can use whatever feels good.

Set aside at least 30 minutes of uninterrupted time (trust me, this investment of time will be returned you to in spades), and set yourself up in a relaxing spot that’s free of distractions and start downloading what’s on your mind. At this stage, don’t try to categorize or break down your tasks; simply get them written down.

Your list will have everything from very small, very specific tasks – ‘call for dinner reservation for Friday’ for example – to much larger, much broader tasks, such as ‘research fundraising ideas for PTA’. Nothing is too big or too small – get it all out.

Step 2 – Sort and Prioritize
Once you’ve finished your list, set it aside for a day or two. This will give you some perspective on the things you’ve jotted down.

When you go back to the list, start reviewing it with the aim of sorting, culling and prioritizing the things you’ve written. Choose a sorting method that makes sense to you – for example, you might use different colored highlighters to distinguish the items as they relate to the different areas of your life – personal, professional, family, and so on. Just be sure the method you use makes sense to you. Expect this may require a bit of trial and error.

Once you’ve sorted through your list, you’ll have a clearer sense of how many tasks are in each category, and you will be able to do some prioritizing and culling. Ask yourself:

  • Which tasks are most important? (If it’s important, then you need to schedule a time to do it! Unscheduled tasks rarely get done.)
  • Which are urgent? (Is it also important? If so, do it now, or at least schedule it now. If it’s not important, why is it on your mind/list?)
  • Which are interesting and exciting? (These are your babies, treat them as priorities – nurture them and make time for them. They will return the favor by nurturing you.)
  • Which feel like a burden? (Hint: Burdensome tasks are candidates for deleting or delegating.)

What have we gained through this process? Something big, Big, BIG! We have freed our mind from trying to remember everything all the time, and we have clarity.

Now that you have uncluttered your head, keep it that way. Invest a few minutes each evening to do a quick brain download. The benefits are real – you will feel an immediate relief and you will be much more able to focus. Five minutes a day for peace of mind? Sounds more than worth it to me!

If you want even more control, take those bigger tasks (anything involving multiple tasks) and break them down into something more manageable. If you aren’t sure how to do that I have help – check out 5 steps to goals setting success post. Over there you’ll also find a downloadable goal setting planning guide and worksheet. And we can’t forget that reaching goals requires that create supportive habits.  With these techniques and tools you’ll be unstoppable!

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