Did you know that two of the top five regrets of the dying are: I wish I hadn’t worked so hard and I wish I’d let myself be happier.

I bring that up because recently I got a question that went like this..

How come I can never enjoy my progress? Instead of taking time to relax and savor my successes, I just keep seeing all that still needs doing. When I look around I see tasks everywhere and it’s severely limiting my ability to feel happy. What can I do to reclaim my happiness?

The essence of this question is really about whether we’re entitled or justified to be happy if there’s still stuff to get done.

And it pains me that anyone struggles with this, because I know how awful it feels to never really get to relax because of the pressure and guilt to keep on, keepin’ on.

So here I am answering, as best I can, the question posed to me. FYI – I’ve been on both sides of the happiness equation – no joy whatsoever and happiness beyond belief. Guess which side is better?


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