How To Solve A Problem Quickly

If the way you’re thinking about a problem isn’t helping you find a solution, change the way you’re looking at it.

I know that all too well, but I was recently reminded of just how influential a shift in perspective is – it really can change everything. And the reminder came through berry picking!

We’ve got raspberry bushes in our backyard and we’ve had an incredible season. I went out on a recent Sunday morning intending to pick enough for a batch of scones. The season is winding down and the berries are few and far between.I had to really look hard to find enough, which I did but barely.

As I started to walk back toward the house I started seeing berry after berry. Now of course the bushes hadn’t suddenly produced more, it was my perspective that had changed. I was looking at the bushes from a different angle! That shift allowed me to double my harvest.

Now in my berry picking I wasn’t exactly solving a problem, but it sure does illustrate the role perspective plays.

So if the way you’re thinking about an problem isn’t helping you find a solution, change the way you’re looking at it. Look at it from a different angle. Sometimes just the slightest shift is all it takes. And the easiest way to shift your perspective is to reframe your problem as an opportunity.

How would you solve the problem if it wasn’t your problem, but that of a friend?

You can also look at through the eyes of stranger. What would they see that you don’t?

Or, how about adopting an alter ego and letting them have a go at the solving the dilemma. Our imagination is powerful tool!

Personally, I like to use my imagination put myself in the shoes of an expert on whatever subject I am grappling (sometimes it’s someone of renown, sometimes it’s my long gone grandmother)….sounds crazy but it works.

What about you, do have a go-to method for solving problems? Don’t keep it a secret…let us in on what works. Pop on over to Facebook and share.

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