by Kelly Jayne McCann | Feb 10, 2015 | Home & Family, Organizing & Decluttering, Stress Reduction & Happiness
Are you super organized, while your partner seems to enjoy clutter? Maybe you feel like Felix and Oscar – you’re the neat freak, while he (or she) embraces the ‘lived in’ look (perhaps you’d even call them a slob). Here’s how to manage the situation and make it better.
by Kelly Jayne McCann | Feb 3, 2015 | Organizing & Decluttering, Stress Reduction & Happiness
Habits can make or break us. They are the foundation of our lives. Habits reflect our commitment to our goals and our personal growth. Here’s how to create habits and make them stick!
by Kelly Jayne McCann | Jan 27, 2015 | Home & Family, Procrastination & Planning
What would happen if a disaster were to strike? What if you had to evacuate your home quickly? Would you be prepared? If you aren’t feeling like you’ve got everything covered, read on for what to do. And don’t forget to download the checklist!
by Kelly Jayne McCann | Jan 26, 2015 | Organizing & Decluttering, Stress Reduction & Happiness
Clutter takes its toll on our mental and emotional health. Even the act of decluttering requires we exert mental and emotional energy, not to mention physical. How great would it be if you could streamline the clutter clearing process and make decision making easier? Well you can! Let me share the one question you need to ask yourself to make everything crystal clear!
by Kelly Jayne McCann | Jan 14, 2015 | Organizing & Decluttering, Stress Reduction & Happiness
One of the biggest issues people face when it comes to clutter clearing is overwhelm. Where do I start? How do I start? Those two questions are asked most often, and almost always prefaced by……I am so overwhelmed, I have no idea how I will ever get through this! There is a way….follow me and I’ll guide you!
by Kelly Jayne McCann | Jan 12, 2015 | Organizing & Decluttering, Stress Reduction & Happiness
Without a doubt, the most challenging aspect of getting organized is clearing the clutter. Now decluttering, in theory at least, should be easy. After all, it’s really about weeding out the things we longer use or need. And if it’s stuff we don’t use or don’t need, we should be able to just let it go. But it’s not always that easy, is it? So let me share a little trick – it makes decluttering easier and it can help you get happier!
by Kelly Jayne McCann | Jan 5, 2015 | Home & Family, Organizing & Decluttering
How do I control paper clutter? How do I organize paperwork? These are definitely the all-time most popular organizing questions. Here’s the good news – I’ve got the answers!
by Kelly Jayne McCann | Jan 3, 2015 | Organizing & Decluttering, Procrastination & Planning
Got goals? Planning is critical step. But it doesn’t have to be difficult or time consuming. As a matter of fact, if you are serious about reaching a goal, planning will save you heaps of time and frustration….let me show you how to plan like a pro!
by Kelly Jayne McCann | Jan 3, 2015 | Procrastination & Planning, Time Management & Productivity
Do you have goals? Are they SMART? I’ve got your step-by-step guide to help you craft really thoughtful, relevant and meaningful goals. Go grab it here and let me know if you need help – I’m always happy to answer questions!
by Kelly Jayne McCann | Dec 28, 2014 | Clear Your Clutter, Home & Family, Organizing & Decluttering, Stress Reduction & Happiness
Is your entryway a menace to your health? It very well might be. You might not realize it, but your entryway can have a profound effect on your well-being. Here’s why and what to do to make your entryway a clutter free, warm, welcoming, and energizing space!