by Kelly Jayne McCann | Dec 28, 2014 | Organizing & Decluttering, Stress Reduction & Happiness
Clearing clutter can have a profound effect on how you feel. Clutter steals energy, inhibits us from enjoying life to the fullest and can negatively impact health – it can affect everything from sleep to weight to fitness.Here’s what you need to know and how to make it all better!
by Kelly Jayne McCann | Dec 23, 2014 | Procrastination & Planning, Time Management & Productivity
No matter what kind of goal you are pursuing – getting organized, clearing clutter, losing weight, running a marathon – you need to put forth effort. Will you be successful? If you answer yes to this question, it is highly likely you will be….Are you willing?
by Kelly Jayne McCann | Dec 23, 2014 | Organizing & Decluttering, Procrastination & Planning, Stress Reduction & Happiness, Time Management & Productivity
Have you bought into any of the organizing myths? If you have you’re doing yourself a terrible disservice….here’s what you need to know to bust free and ditch the excuses!
by Kelly Jayne McCann | Dec 18, 2014 | Home & Family, Organizing & Decluttering
Whether you cook every day or only occasionally, the kitchen is the hub of most households. When your kitchen is well organized, the entire house functions more efficiently. Streamlining your kitchen is a time investment that will yield an excellent return. Here is a simple four step process to declutter and organize any kitchen.
by Kelly Jayne McCann | Dec 16, 2014 | Stress Reduction & Happiness, Time Management & Productivity
One of the biggest causes of overwhelm is having too much to do. Now I know that’s not a brilliant revelation, but did you know you have the power reduce your overwhelm with just one little sentence? Indeed, you do. That sentence is NO. Read on to learn how to say no gracefully, and without one iota of guilt!
by Kelly Jayne McCann | Dec 9, 2014 | Organizing & Decluttering, Stress Reduction & Happiness
Got a few seconds? I’m sharing how to simplify your life – it’s a really quick listen.
by Kelly Jayne McCann | Dec 2, 2014 | Home & Family, Organizing & Decluttering
Wishing you could be more organized? Feel like it takes too much time to get organized? In either case, I’ve got you covered – here are 4 super simple organizing projects you can do right now – no prep required!
by Kelly Jayne McCann | Nov 29, 2014 | Home & Family, Stress Reduction & Happiness
The holidays are upon us – Christmas, Hanukkah, New Year’s Eve – they are just about here. But it’s not too late to take action and make this year the best holiday season yet. Here are four things you can do right now to reduce stress and create family harmony.
by Kelly Jayne McCann | Nov 29, 2014 | Home & Family, Stress Reduction & Happiness
The holidays, especially Christmas, can bring on stress. So here are five super simple things you can do to reduce stress and be more relaxed this season. Nothing fancy, just good common sense reminders, because it’s so easy to forget to practice these ideas these when the normal hustle and bustle turns to frenzy.
by Kelly Jayne McCann | Oct 27, 2014 | Stress Reduction & Happiness, Time Management & Productivity
Do you wonder why you never seem to get anything substantial done, even though you feel like you are go-go-going all the time? Do you often wonder how you will ever get through your to-do list? Do you feel frustrated? Maybe even stuck?Never fear – I’ve got lots of help right here – lets end overwhelm now!